Road Safety Audit
The purpose of a Road Safety Audit is to identify potential road safety issues or problems that may affect all users of the highway and to recommend measures to eliminate or mitigate these problems.
It is important to note that a Road Safety Audit is not simply a check that a scheme meets design standards. Road Safety Audits are undertaken by an Audit Team, which must be independent to the Design Team.
The Audit Team comprises of a minimum of two people with appropriate levels of training, skills and experience in Road Safety Engineering and/or Accident Investigation.
We undertake Road Safety Audits at four stages; namely:
Stage 1 – Completion of preliminary design
Stage 2 – Completion of detailed design
Stage 3 – Completion of construction
Stage 4 – Monitoring (12 months and 36 months)
We undertake site visits, which are a specific requirement of the Audit, using both day time and night time visits which are usually required in the later Audit stages.
If you require a Road Safety Audit, feel free to contact us so we can provide you with a proposal and an estimate.
Contact: Basil Jackson
Phone: +44 7880333145