TRICS Trip Generation Analysis

computer analysisTRICS Trip Generation Analysis

The Trip Generation Computer System (TRICS®) is the transport planning industry standard software package used for calculating the trip generation potential of proposed developments. This includes traffic (cars & HGVs), pedestrian, cyclist and public transport movements.

The database contains over 6,300 directional transport surveys at over 100 types of development and was founded and is owned by 6 County Councils in the south of England; collectively known as the TRICS® Consortium. However, its annual collection programme covers the whole of the UK and Ireland, across 17 defined regions.

We use this information in our Transport Assessments and Transport Statements. If you have been asked to provide information on the trip generation potential of your development then we can help.

If you require more information about TRICS Trip Generation Analysis, feel free to contact us.


Contact: Basil Jackson
Phone: +44 1223 655570